Fair Use

#1         The five intellectual properties in Canada is pretty much ways to protect your own licenses and make great profits in the industry. Protecting licenses from other companies wanting to use your design can be impossible for them if you get a registered patent/ a trademark. Patents gives you exclusive rights to your innovations. Industrial designs relate to the visual appearance of the product. Trademarks are used to distinguish your products or services. Last but not least, trade secrets include very important business information.


#2   download

My job :)

My job 🙂




 Attribution (by)

Anyone using your work must give you credit, but they need to ask you if they don’t want to give you credit for your work.

ShareAlike (sa)

You let others copy, give out, simplify, perform, or display any of your work, then they have to simplify or distribute their work in the same way.

NonCommercial (inc)

You let others copy, share, display, perform, and use your work for any reasons other than for commercial reasons.

NoDerivatives (nd)

You let other copy, share, display, perform your work if they have made it in their own way (original copies).